BETCITY is the largest betting company, the stability and high reputation of which is confirmed by years of continuous work and thousands of loyal customers.

ID: 122

Map where "BETSITI (CUPIS)" is active

Countries where BETSITI (CUPIS) is active

Russia  - RU


# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Внесение депозита - FB, Other types of traffic, SEO - Low BETSITI Gambling / Lotteries CPA 800.0 RUB
2 Active Внесение депозита - FB, Other types of traffic, SEO - High BETSITI Gambling / Lotteries CPA 8000.0 RUB
3 Active Внесение депозита - ASO, PPC BETSITI Gambling / Lotteries CPA 6300.0 RUB
4 Active Внесение депозита - FB, Other types of traffic, SEO - Mid BETSITI Gambling / Lotteries CPA 4500.0 RUB

Description BETSITI (CUPIS)

BETCITY is the largest betting company, the stability and high reputation of which is confirmed by years of continuous work and thousands of loyal customers. Offering one of the widest lines daily, BETCITY is famous for high coefficients and fast calculations.



Details and Benefits:

  • BETCITY is one of the few betting companies with its own analytical center.
  • Dozens of specialist analysts in various sports, cultural and political events offer their coefficients 24 hours a day.
  • BETCITY has adopted strict corporate customer service standards.
  • Betting on all kinds of sports.
  • Personal account management (deposit and withdraw funds).
  • Calendar of upcoming events.
  • Fixed and high payouts.
  • Russian-speaking operators.
  • A wide range of received traffic.
  • Betcity is one of the largest and most influential BCS in the world.
  • For the convenience of players, Betcity cooperates with leading electronic payment systems, which allows you to quickly replenish your personal account balance.


Minimum deposit: 100 RUB.

Baseline: no.

KPI: 1) PPC / ASO - Webmasters are subjected to a more serious check for compliance with the type of traffic (screenshots from advertising cabinets, screenshots of advertising purchases, etc.).
2) SEO / FB / Other types of traffic - Traffic is rated High, Mid and Low. (The advertiser analyzes the quality of traffic and scores High, Mid and Low, taking into account many factors, for example: - Assessment of the Security Service (fraudster, fork man, bonus hunter, etc.) - Technical parameters - Registration data - The pattern of player behavior/betting - The pattern of deposit activity.

Deposit amounts for each status: 1) High - 3300 + RUB 2) Mid - 800 - 3299 RUB 3) Low - 100 - 799 RUB.

CR: reg2dep averages 25%.

Test limit: 20 deposits.

The best traffic sources: SEO, PPC.

Languages: RU.

Number of registration fields: 7.

Target audience: men: 18+.

During reconciliation, the exact calculation of the webmaster's commission takes place!


  • Before launching traffic, the sources must be coordinated with the advertiser.
  • The rates in the offer are indicated as test rates, after conducting a test of 20 deposits, the rates increase, depending on the quality of traffic.
  • Multiaccounts, inactive players, minors, and any motivated traffic are not paid.
  • The postback is sent to the fact that the FTD was entered by the player in realtime.
  • Multiaccounts and duplicates are not paid (cookie matching).
  • If any kind of fraud is detected, ALL traffic is not paid to the partner.
  • It is forbidden to specify the minimum deposit amount in creatives.
  • Not accepted: bonus hunting, brand context, in-app, e-mail/push/SMS mailing lists.
  • Prohibited topics: Porn, guns, politics, children's content, easy money.
  • The advertiser has the right to review the bid or not pay for traffic in case of violations.

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