
Fonbet bookmaker has more than 20 years and has managed to gain excellent reputation.

ID: 70

Map where "Fonbet" is active

Countries where Fonbet is active

Belarus  - BY Russia  - RU Kazakhstan  - KZ

Table Fonbet

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active First deposit (RU) - PPC, SEO Fonbet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 5900.0 RUB
2 Active First deposit (RU) - ASO (CROSS) Fonbet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 7500.0 RUB
3 Active First deposit (RU) - PPC, SEO - PVT Fonbet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 5900.0 RUB
4 Active First deposit (RU) - ASO (CROSS BB) Fonbet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 8000.0 RUB
5 Active First deposit (KZ) - ASO, FB, PPC, SEO Fonbet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 60.0 USD
6 Active First deposit (RU) - Brand ASO PV Fonbet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 6500.0 RUB
7 Active First deposit Casino / Betting (BY) - ASO, FB, PPC, SEO Fonbet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 70.0 USD
8 Active Registration Fonbet Gambling / Lotteries CPL 0.0
9 Active First deposit BL 300 RUB (RU) - SOCIAL, telegram Fonbet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 4000.0 RUB
10 Active First deposit (RU) - Brand ASO Fonbet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 5700.0 RUB

Description Fonbet

BC Fonbet is one of the few who offers to bet Live (during the match). This opportunity significantly increases interest in a sporting event. Choose a suitable live event from an extensive list in the relevant section of the site, get and analyze up-to-date information during the match, then place a bet online in Fonbet at any time of the game.


  • TSUPIS. 

Details and Benefits:

  • An impressive selection of sporting events − from real to virtual.
  • A large number of live bets available online.
  • One of the biggest jackpots of the Fonto among sports betting.
  • Fast and transparent calculation of bids.
  • High odds that allow you to win large sums with small bets.
  • Convenient schemes for withdrawing funds and replenishing the account.
  • Professional service, including operational technical support.
  • Guaranteed payout of winnings, backed up by the reputation and experience of the office.
  • Fixed payout. 
  • Russian-speaking operators.
  • A wide range of received traffic.
  • High demand, well-known BC company.
  • Fonbet is the maximum of opportunities in bookmaking.

Rules Fonbet

Minimum deposit: RU - 100 rub. KZ - 200 KZT, BY-2 byn, BY Casino- 2by.

Baseline: RU - 500 rub.


1. If most of the players make only the first deposit and do not play, such traffic will be regarded as fraud by anti-fraud.

2. If the player is a duplicate, such a player is not paid.

3. If the player is self-excluded, such a player is not paid.

4. If a player has been blocked for fraud (money laundering, etc.), such a player is not paid.

KPI for KZ, BY

  • turnover x3 of the amount of deposits, at least 30% of players must be with a repeated deposit,
  • the average number of deposits per player is at least 1.7
  • + for privateer traffic, Hard KPI - CR in redep not less than 50%,

Caps for new web services:

  • first month up to 10 qualifications
  • second month up to 20 qualifications
  • third month up to 30 qualifications
  • fourth and subsequent months depending on traffic quality: its activity (the number and amount of deposits in dynamics, the number of bets and turnover) and its payback.

CR: reg2dep averages 25-30%.

Test limit: 20 deposits.

The best traffic sources: PPC, SEO.

Languages: RU, EN.

Number of registration fields: 3.

The rates in the offer are test rates, after the test of 20 deposits, the rates increase, depending on the quality of traffic.


  • A list of stop words for context HERE
  • Before launching traffic, sources need to be coordinated with the advertiser.
  • If any kind of fraud and fraudulent actions are detected, ALL traffic is not paid to the partner.


  • It is forbidden to specify the minimum deposit amount in creatives.
  • To use any content from the site Fonbet other sites that are available to index on Google.
  • Create clones of the Fonbet website and application, use the Fonbet logo and an interface similar to the Fonbet website or application.
  • To mislead users by publishing incorrect information about Fonbet promotions and bonuses, to use invalid/non-existent promotions and promo codes.
  • Use creatives that do not correspond to the master banner and the current creative.
  • Use automatic redirects, non-closing windows and any other types of intrusive advertising.
  • Automatically open an additional window after going to the Fonbet website.
  • Violate the requirements of the Fonbet brandbook.
  • Parse the site.
  • Place ads on the following sites: , , , , and .
  • It is forbidden to advertise on sites with pirated content: movies, TV series, sports broadcasts, etc.
  • It is forbidden to use the English Premier League logo for creatives.
  • It is forbidden to use creatives with people or images of people.
  • It is forbidden to use the logo of RPL and LaLiga on creatives with tournaments, the logo of other tournaments can be used.

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