Holodilnik. RU - Russian online store specializing in the sale of electronics and home appliances domestic and foreign production.
ID: 94Map where "Holodilynik" is active
# | Status | Title offer | Category | Paymodel | Payment | Partner Link |
1 | Active | Paid order (category 1-3) Holodilynik | Online Shops | CPS | 1.77 % |
Holodilnik.RU. is a Russian online store specializing in the sale of electronics and household appliances of domestic and foreign production. The main task is "Refrigerator.ru" — to make the customer's path from choosing a product to making a purchase and receiving an order as simple and convenient as possible.
Seventeen years of experience in the Russian market, long-term relationships with business partners, allow us to talk about the Refrigerator project., as about one of the most promising online home appliance stores in the Runet zone, whose suppliers, for many years now, have been such companies that have successfully proven themselves in foreign and domestic markets as Atlant, Saratov, Hephaestus, Evgo, Biryusa, Nord, ZVI, Smolensk, Liebherr, Bosch, Siemens, Candy, Electrolux, Hoover, LG Electronics, Daewoo and many others.